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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bye Bye Bush! No Wait...

Having never mastered the TIVO I managed to miss Bush’s Farewell speech. But that is one of those things I would rather read than watch anyway. And read it is exactly what I did this morning running on the treadmill at the gym. The funny thing about reading things of this nature is comparing them to the articles that immediately follow and seeing the twist the media applies. This was no exception. The media under and over playing both words and intent.

Assuming (correctly) that few of you even knew he was delivering a farewell speech yesterday let alone watched it and probably learned of it when you turned on the news or internet browser this morning - there actually was something of importance mentioned. The news and media twisted this nicely (as they always do) and what you may have learned today may not really be the case.

References were made to things he never spoke to. (Gotta love the media). Anyway, as I was running and reading the speech this morning I got about half way through and a thought raced through my mind. "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you". It is an old Marxist quote from Leon Trotsky. (One article even made the same correlation).

Either way, the nation is anxious to usher Bush out of the door with a nice swift boot in the behind for good measure. Hell, and why not; he is single handedly responsible for 9/11, hurricane Katrina, the financial collapse of the nation and probably even responsible for your great aunt Erma’s hemorrhoids. Understandably, all anger needs a target and he did his fair share to suit the need (both warranted and unwarranted). As we give him the boot for all of the wrong doing there is one thing he was right about; war is interested in us.

(I know where you are going so just stop). What were the pre 9/11 circumstances that brought that terrorist attack to our home land? (I will give you a moment to ponder that while I explain why you can’t answer it). You forgot. Out of sight out of mind. History repeats itself because people do not remember the events of the past and thus cannot curtail the repetition of events. As the events of yesterday fog their way out of our daily routine we become concerned with today - only. Not tomorrow, today. That breeds complacency and lack of vigilance out of gross ignorance and denial. Seven years later we are already showing signs that we have forgotten the events of 9/11 by our call to close Gitmo (despite clear reports that released detainees have returned to the fight and killed American Armed Forces personnel) and move towards bringing the troops home. We have gone seven years without a successful attack because we discovered in cases such as these; a stronger offense is the best defense.

This liberal, socialist temperament will result is future attacks here.

Now, I will answer the question for you. We were attacked largely for two reasons. 1) our continued support of Israel and 2) having infidels on "Holy Soil". So take a look at that for what it is. If we support Israel and have Americans in the Middle East (military or civilian) we will be subject to attacks such as 9/11 here. (So much for freedom). The former is more concerning because we are involved in a Holy War between a Muslim state and a Jewish state. Any political siding with any non Muslim state could effectively end in this same result. Constant cowering to this would lead unfavorable Muslim religious control of areas outside of our borders excluding the US from all world matters. (We end this on their terms and this is the result; but we want the war to end - you can’t have it both ways). The latter is a concern in that "Holy Soil" once was not. It was controlled by a religious sect of Zoroastrianism. Muslim militants killed them in mass and drove the survivors into India. Zoroastrianism is today known as an Indian religion because its origins were completely destroyed by Muslims. Their "Holy Soil" is a fluid and ever expanding concept. Where ever they go and consider "Holy" becomes theirs and for "theirs" only. We stop supporting Israel and in time that becomes "Holy Soil". What would be next? Where and when would it stop?
These are world religions at their worst and though outside of our borders directly effect what our borders represent.

Though we find fault in the war, we fail to understand what is happening in the world today. The loss of life is tragic but the loss of freedom as we know it to be is far worse. Many of you will fail to admit this is correct because of emotional attachments to things that are of less importance and out denial of what can and can not happen in the future. I have news for you, what is happening abroad is spreading and it is spreading in the same manner it always has since the recording of monotheistic world religions. When you concede you succumb. The current liberal position is to concede. It is to pull our troops back and wait for the fight to come here - and it will. The second concession will be to do what? Not allow Americans to travel to certain religious states? Stop supporting Israel and rewrite the history books to read Judaism is an American religion?

"It is not our fight" one responder said to an article I wrote last week. Poor fool couldn’t be more wrong. We can’t just close our eyes, click our heels and be somewhere else and have things different than what they are today. This is here to stay, but it can be contained. It is just that we can not contain it from here - and we really don’t want it to when think about how it will take place on our un-holy infidel soil.

Everyone should be against war but at the same time everyone needs to understand that the time comes for war. It is hard to accept the war in this case is brought forth under religions that supposedly stand for peace. The fact is, religions do and do not stand for peace in that they are derived (in this case) as exclusive religions. One world religion not embracing another will inevitably result in armed conflict. That is where we are when we wake each morning. To concede now, will only be to succumb later.
