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Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Tax Break That Will Work But...

This type of tax cut would work much better if it were being instituted as it is being represented. The suggestion is that your withholdings do not get withheld (the money the government takes from your pay check would be allowed to go directly into your pocket giving you extra cash. The idea THAT DOES WORK; it is that of basically taking a period of time and forcing everyone into an exempt status with no year end penalty). They are claiming that a person making $24,400 annually would get $61 additional dollars per bimonthly pay period in the form of a tax credit.

This will sound good because they took the demographics of a person making $11.73 an hour with no exemptions (a single person claiming no dependants). This individual pays the most in taxes and stands to gain the most in credit; but is not in need the most. The single mother with two children fighting for every exemption she can get her hands on to make ends meet needs the credit the most but she will not see that amount in the numbers they are reporting. A couple making $11.73 and hour will see $122 in extra cash flow... more movies, more dining out, that extra little something they have been wanting to get. IT WILL STIMULATE THE ECONOMY. My beef is "tell it like it is". Tell that young single mother that things are getting better, just not for her and that she needs to continue to struggle while others not in her situation feel some form of temporary relief. (Being honest is ok last time I checked).

A point without a point? Hardly. What this is, is a rebate check without the check (and a good idea given the last rebate check incentive saw billions go back to the government in forms of garnishments and undeliverable mailings - good for them they saw a nice little increase that strengthened the failing dollar abroad while people in need walked to work; of course they turned around and lost it in the market and T-Bill drops). The question is how do you give a rebate to the people who need it most? A campaign was waged around them yet nothing continues gets done for them. First, temporary social program enhancement. Increase food stamps by ten percent for four months. This will both provide for the family and free up cash to further stimulate the economy. A simply concept given that social support is established on income and cost of living expenses. Second, you do institute a rebate. Withholdings can be designated as credited 'holdings'. It is withholdings done in reverse. Where the government is taking money from a pay period; in this case it would be granted and the business credited at years end or reimbursed directly. Either of the two will help everyone, not just the easy and convenient ones.

Understand this, people are being left behind. It is the greatest good concept at work but sometimes the greatest good is not good enough. This is just another demonstration of what is to come over the next four years. A man elected for those perceived as being left behind, pushing them further behind through systematic structuring. (Socialism isn't all it's made out to be). When I read this proposal on the tax break this morning, two things went through my mind; One, it will work. Two, those claiming exemptions are left out. This is not what you elected him for and in all of my skepticism I look to be proven wrong, it is not taking form the way it could. Largely because we allow ourselves to be sold short. We tolerate honest lies because we do not look into matters ourselves and allow ourselves to be told half truths. Here we have a relief effort that excludes a significant populous, a populous that needs more relief than others. In one case, a recipient will go out and have extra cash to stock his refrigerator full of his favorite beer and in the other, more of the same - nothing changes. The press release is worded to bring false hope in much the same light that the honest lies won reverence through ignorance. This is my beef with this man and his policies, his campaign and what he represents. It is why I refused to vote for him. Things accepted as good and in the name of change merely were verbal twists on the exact same thing so many have come to disdain over recent years. For two years the ignorance of voters was played on. Facts that were obviously flawed to the least astute widely accepted and embraced.

I have done extensive research on the man prior to his election. He is at his best when pushed and the pressure is on. I believe his intent is to do better but as he surrounds himself with a questionable team (at best) it becomes clear that the time to push and apply pressure is sooner than later. (I say questionable at best because of facts like a financial appointment of a person who watched Citi fail, an education secretary whose numbers are far below the national average - they are now specialized leaders that represent substandard achievement). The problems we were running from in electing him have followed him into higher appointed positions and thus we will get much more of the same and in many cases much worse. Like my aunt always said; "to whom much is given, much is owed". We must demand more to get more. If we continue to sit back and allow ourselves to get spoon fed the same crap we will get the same crap served to us. A shit sandwich tastes like a shit sandwich no matter how garnished the plate it's served on.

That bottom 5% will be worse off in four years than ever before. Comment after comment about main street, the focus is going to median, not the exclusions he represented. Don't take it. Put forth the effort into making our Nation better as was done in supporting him. What I am seeing is everyone kicking back and waiting for change now that he has been elected. A wake up call; that is not how governmental change works. It takes active petition of supporters. People who prove smarter today than yesterday not accepting this type of behavior. People that demand good can and must be better. People who first call for change, then effort the demanding of change.

Because I did not support Obama during the election does not mean I do not support the President. If this is to be I will push to have the agenda he was elected for fulfilled. I have never been the one to be spoon fed by anyone and challenge everything presented before me. It keeps people honest and holds people accountable for their words and representations. You must do the same because if you don't all of my pre-election writings will come to fruition and none of us want that. My ego is not so big that I must be right. My ego is big because I force people to prove me wrong. The man takes office in just over two weeks. He has made history, now it is time to make history.

Never again settle for less. When you see flawed policy such as this, raise the bullshit flag. Making demands on your president is the best way to support him and yourself. He works for you, tell him less just ain't gonna cut it from this day forward.
