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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yes, I missed my dinner engagement! LOL!

I never made it out to meet Hayley for dinner. As you guys know, the bane of my existence is time. Yesterday evening was no different; with the exception that I was not given a last minute SUPER EMERGENT task - I got to talking and completely forgot about my previous engagement! A few guys came up from the lab along with Ken and Mitch. I am at my desk trying to return an e-mail here on MySpace (see Danielle, still trying!) And they immediately asked who I was trying to piss off! One of the scientists asks me to pull up my other web page because there was an interesting comment on the global warming article.

It simply read; "you are right. Global warming is a farce. What you elude to is also correct in terms of coolness and darkness. We lose two minutes of light per day. The northern hemisphere will be in complete darkness next June. Co2 and the green house effect have impact without sunlight."

I looked up as I finished reading this aloud to our small involuntary pseudo think tank. I pull up the Farmer's Almanac and find something of interest. July 06 15th had 933 minutes of sunlight, July 16th had 931. August 15th had 854 minutes of daylight and August 16th had 851 minutes of daylight! The comment on my other page was wrong! We are not losing two minutes of daylight per day; we are losing two minutes per day plus one minute per day per month! What does that mean? Not exactly 6th grade math but it is one of those formulas you probably refused to learn in high school arguing that you will never need it.

Total change (c) = acceleration (a) / 2, times the length of time (t), squared or; c = a / 2 X t squared. Simple enough right? If not; the idea here is to solve for t (not c) the time in which this change will accumulate. We want to start from the 933 minutes and end at zero minutes to determine when daylight will end. Thus, c = 933 and we can solve for t. c=1/2 at 2 becomes t = square root of (2 X 933 / 1). Forty-three months from June of 06. Our anonymous writer was told something and ran with it. He never looked into it to determine what was and was not right. December of 09 = zero daylight hours given such raw data.

As I am working this up on the laser board in my office (this one I am keeping to go back to later next week) one of the scientists is in the liquor cabinet pouring a drink (with his back to me) and says 43 months with perpetual darkness beginning on the 16th of December 2009, given changing weather patterns 72 hours prior in cloud covered regions of the northern hemisphere. (The man is a savant).

We start discussing this and in walks Hayley! Not pissed but not exactly happy either. In tote, two cases of Chinese carry out! LOL! She is well aware of how distracted I get and knows that sometimes I must be actively sought out. First thing out of her mouth? "Ter, you are such an ass! You wrote about me!" She breaks out the food and we all begin to eat and laugh about what I wrote; in particular her phone call that morning. More science minded at the moment than political the conversation remains on topic. All of this is new to Hayley so Ken catches her up. The look on her face was classic!

The idea here is that a snap shot is taken of the fleeting hours of daylight in the summer months after the solstice . If you stick to those numbers yes, you will see a cycle that ends in perpetual darkness. Look at it like this; if you use the same formula on a segment of time opposite of July and Aug when the days are getting longer - you will end a 43 month long cycle in perpetual daylight. Do you see how easy it is scare people because they just listen and don't think for themselves? None of us mentioned this because the flaw was obvious, Hayley though turned pale, stopped eating and started pouring a drink. I felt the need to put her at ease. In return we went online to see what the common impression was about this. Sunning! Even Rush was ranting and raving about this just yesterday. He took a call from a guy who worked up a computer simulation (which is posted online) showing perpetual darkness next summer. There were numberous blogs discounting global warming in leu of this new farce (all citing next summer as being the end of our daylight hours). They mentioned how light from the norther hemisphere 'leaks' into the southern hemisphere. Ok. Last I checked their seasons countered ours - hence SOUTHERN hemisphere. The opposite 'leaking' effects the NORTHERN hemisphere as their days shorten and ours lengthen. Really, more people should have paid attention in school! The basic rules that apply are the first to be overlooked.

Another issue is precession (the wobble of the axis). This is responsible for seasonal irregularity. One argument is that the wobble will stabilize and alter climate; no argument from me on that from a climate perspective but a huge one in terms of the northern hemisphere going dark. The tilt is 23.5 degrees which would have to shift to 45 degrees in less than a years time with no precession of the new axis to throw the northern hemisphere into perpetual darkness. (Not happening). Even with obliquity factored in, this concept is absurd at best. What we are talking about here is the north pole being (and staying) at a point of the exact opposite of the sun (some 20+ degrees in less than a years time. Should the earth shift that fast; perpetual darkness will be the least of our worries!

As this new farce gains popularity and people begin to talk about it, take them back to their Jr. High or Middle School and sit them back down in 8th grade science for a refresher course. But then again, you can just sit back and laugh at them as I plan to do!


Terry said...

Vote 4 me - http://vote4cassandra.tumblr.com

you know... i definitely feel you on the lack of tolerance for religious beliefs... i've always struggled with people who get offended by what others believe based on their own religious beliefs... how you can tell me that using Jesus's name is offensive to you but expect me to be okay with you saying God doesn't exist... or using Allah's name... or some other spirit... i've never been one to take offense by what others believe... i often am the one who asks tons of questions about what people believe and why they believe it... just because i'm always trying to understand where people are coming from... seeing others find comfort and happiness in their own beliefs, makes me happy... what others believe, has no bearing on what i believe... the same way that two gay people getting married would never have any impact on the strength and love in my own marriage (when i get married someday LOL)...

i could go on for DAYS about this very topic yo... it's actually one of my biggest pet peeves about this world... but i agree with your last two sentences!!!
Posted by Vote 4 me - http://vote4cassandra.tumblr.com on Thursday, January 01, 2009 - 5:48 PM
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I think a lot of it has to do with security. The more secure a person is in their beliefs the open they are to things that different. (There is more room for challenge in that through challenge comes validation). This is an example of that old school ignorance our parents had warned us about when we were kids. Anything different is wrong. They refuse the challenge to their position in fear that it will be proven wrong and simply refuse to accept the existence of anything not like that of their own perspective. In this case that is all the more sad because religion is one of the easiest positions to argue. The most basic, poorly articulated stance on evolution will out pace the most intelligent, very well articulated stance on religion given scientific facts support one over the other.

Either way, people like exist. I just hate to concessions to such ignorance. This steps beyond political and into an individuals personal Right to express, embrace and practice their religion and to not have that Right sequestered. The consequences of not professing ones religion in this case sets the concept of freedom of religion back to the advent of Protestantism!

It will be interesting to see how this pans out. Not from a perspective of what this clown will do, but from a perspective of the resolve in the character of the recipient of the oath of office. Just how “political” is he? Is he more personal than political? In my opinion he simply needs to stand his ground as the adult Baptized Christian he is. You don’t conform your religious practices in this country. That fact has largely to do with why we exist as a Nation. The profession of ones religion is as much who they are as a person as the family blood that runs through them. Inalienable rights are just that.
Posted by Terry on Thursday, January 01, 2009 - 8:00 PM
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