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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Devine Intervention derailed to the tune of 5 Million dollars!

The joys of motherhood! (As if I can really speak to that)! Being a single guy with no children, I am much more than once removed from the whole bundle of joy experience. But that comes solely from me not yet (if ever at this point) wanting to have children.

I was always taught that children must be planned for and are not something to be taken for granted. My aunt told me in my "coming of age years" that parenting is a privilege and a responsibility not be taken lightly. And seeing today, where a great many single mothers could be so much further in life but are not because they have put their children first; I can only conclude that she was again correct.

An opps here, an opps there; it is understandable how these unexpected life altering events happen. Like most, I have had my scare or two. Abstinence? Come on now, really? This is not a world of Sisters and Fathers living in a country wide convent.

The ability to bear children is (unfortunately) biological alone. Ones socioeconomic status does not play a factor and apparently, nor does ones better judgement. Case in point; Nadya Suleman,

a 33 year old California resident who has recently given birth to a gaggle of octuplets. Like most, when I first heard the story I was happy for her while I thought "Man, it really sucks to be her."

One sleepless night I read the rest of the story and was disgusted by this women, her ways, and the entire state of California for allowing such a thing to happen. I was not about to write of it, comment on it, think any further about it, or even discuss it with close friends and family. This weekend I bumped into an old friend at the Allstar game. He made mention that his state income tax return came in the form of an IOU! Darling Nadya immediately came to mind!

You see, she is not so darling and she makes a mockery out of what so many single mothers have nothing but reason to take pride in; the very privilege in being a mother. This 33 year old is unemployed, living with her parents and already has six children. She collects both public assistance (which makes sense - six kids and no job) and social security; oh, and did I forget disability? She collected $165,000 in disability using $100,000 of it for in vitro (with $50,000 in unpaid student loans).

Three of the six kids are collecting social security for autism and ADHD. Her genes are questionable at best and here we have this woman paying not to establish herself as a mother but shelling out six figures to grow her already weak and inferior gene pool.

Look at it backwards. California and federal government paid the 100G’s for in vitro only to further foot the bill for her family which more than doubled in one fair swoop. The estimated cost of the hospital stay for the new litter of children is 1.3 million. Medi-Cal simply can not pick that tab up; California is a broke ass state right now (assistance will be federal).

This is not a bust on single mothers, it is a bust on her and the broken system that has enabled this. Bearing children is biological, those biologically not suited have to go to extreme measures in order to have children. Typically, one would think a person willing to pay the required six figures has the means to care for the child(ren). In this case her own mother went forth pleading for the procedure to not be done; it was the easy payday that made this proud doctor take this "patient". His payday is less than a tenth of the hospital bill after delivery (by the best estimation), and his payday for this one procedure is less the 3% of what it costs to raise these kids in California.

Taxpayers are stuck ensuring her kids have what they need because she obviously can not. Fourteen kids, that is 3.1 million dollars to raise in CA and 5.3 million whn you add in the medical expenses of their current stay! One woman and her ability to manipulate an inept and corrupt social systems has caused this. One state not understanding the difference between a right and privilege has allowed this. If these numbers sound high, they are actually conservative given the fact that 50% of her kids have ended up on social security for disabilities. Alarm signals to not do this were all aver the place. Her genes, her lack of stability (both economic and otherwise) and the number of children she already had.

In California they are calling to have her children taken away and made wards of the state. (Aren’t they already wards of the state being that the state is going to financially provide for them until they are 17, and considerably longer for those with disabilities)? She says she wants to go back to school and get her masters in counseling. Fourteen kids at home (all under seven) and she thinks she will have time to study. A degree in counseling and the highest paying job will not remove her from public support - she knows that.

California, a state that is cutting services to bridge a 42 billion dollar budget gap. A state that is laying off its own state employees - those who typically have the most secure jobs are now collecting their own state unemployment. California has got the concept of motherhood all wrong. Motherhood, fatherhood and parenting are not to be viewed as rights; they are privileges. What’s worse is in this case she did not even have the biological factors in her favor and all indications are that her inability to bear children was Devine Intervention; until we interceded. It kinda makes you wonder.

There are a lot of GREAT single mothers out there, a lot of GREAT single fathers out there and this is an abomination to the PRIVILEGE that parenting actually is. So many have sacrificed so much in life for the benefit of their children and their daily acts of altruism are not be overshadowed by people such as her, physicians looking to collect an easy check over acting in prudence and state institutions that have missed the calling in the understanding of the personal responsibility required in good parenting.

Now the state of California has said that "once a State Medical investigation is complete, lawmakers could review issues from government oversight to standards in fertility treatment." In other words, the state is already pawning this off on the government and the ability to say no when a no is needed is to be dictated by government intervention. Here’s an idea; have that bone head doctor that knew better foot the bill. That same smiling ass doctor that was begged by the person who knew best to not do this. That same greedy ass doctor that was more worried about his wallet than ethics. Let him pay.

Oh wait! I left out yet another important detail; it was the same doctor that who did her previous in vitros! That’s right, Dr (and I use that term loosely) Michael Kamrava
is responsible for the first six of her kids and turned around an implanted six more embryos that turn into 8 babies... hmm, I wonder how they can tell with of the octuplets are actually twins, or are there actually triplets in the mix? But I digress, two ova splitting once or one ovum splitting twice is of little consequence when the first six are beyond her realm of her financial capabilities. Anyway, the man is an idiot and the idiot is being investigated for "breach of standard of care" and is not just Darling Nadya either! He implanted an uninsured 49 year old with six embryos (she wanted one child) who is now in the hospital at five months gestation. She will be on bed rest for the duration of the pregnancy. Obviously it is merely the pay check this man is interested in!

If you are wondering, the recommended number of implanted embryos in a woman Nadya’s age is two or three. (I can only imagine what is recommended for a 49 year old; if any at all).

So where am I going with this? Nowhere. Just venting about how poor judgement and greed set the innocent hard working of us back so far!
