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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jihad's Future

Again; "You may not be interested in war but war is interested in you."

You have to admire the new president, determined to back out of war with Islam (not Iraq). And why not? No one likes war. He took his message directly to the Arabs claiming the "Americans are not your enemy."

Americans are not their enemies per se; Christians are. (We just happen to be largely American). To understand this one has to understand Islam and Islamic teachings. This is not a people you can just walk away from; their memory is truly eternal and their disdain for infidels is all encompassing. My initial concern was that they would regroup and begin a new and stronger campaign of terror with the emphasis against us. Conceptually this is correct but I think I may have had the players wrong. Though on the "Most Hated List" as we may be, we are not on the top. Israel is.

Not only is Israel a Jewish state on "Holy Land", they have effectively been kicking Muslim ass since the 1920's in armed conflict! The worst of these conflicts ended with our intervention when Muslims took the upper hand after switching to non conventional tactics (terror as we know it today). Our "responsible pull out" of Iraq will result in reorganization and future attacks; but on Israel. They will finish what they started! (Or at least try to).

From a demographic perspective, I see something startling. .23% (that’s point two three percent) of the worlds population is Jewish. In and of itself that is not a concern, but when you compare it to the fact that .07% of the worlds population is of the faith the brought monotheistic religions to existence; it becomes alarming - almost terrifying when you further understand that it was at the forced hand of Islam. Judaism faces the same fate. Islam is devouring world religions through force and oppression. (It is the way the religion is tooled and masterminded to be, so take that as it is; good, bad or indifferent).

There will be no stability in the middle east and it will eventually implode to Muslim fighting. When they are at not war with those that are of non - Muslim states, the three main sects are at war with each other. If we stay, we fight and contain the threat. If we pull out, it is to watch a world religion be eradicated much in the same manner Zoroastrianism has been. Soon after, the focus will again become Christians. Islamic holy war will continue to push south in Africa; so forth and so on. Islam simply can not and will coexist with anything not of its own.

There is a reason for this and it lies within the structure of the religion itself. To be specific, the reason lies within the pillars of Islam:

1) Declare with belief that, "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger (Kalimah or Shahadah)."

2) Pray five obligatory prayers a day (Salah).

3) Give an offering of obligatory charity (Zakah or Zahkat).
4) Participate in fast during Ramadan (Sawm).

5) Travel to Mecca during Ramadan (Hajj) and participate in special religious celebrations that take place at the Ka’aba.

Very similar to most world religions until you take notice that one very important aspect of this religion is noticeably missing ; love. If you search the Koran for the word "love" you will find but 23 instances in which it is even mentioned. An example of such; "Allah loveth those who keep their duty." (Verse 9.7). This usage of the word is typical for the Koran in that love is little more than a carrot for Islamic Muslims. The impression one gets when reading the Koran is that love is only for Allah to give and receive. Islam goes beyond ignoring the notion of love, in the Judeo-Christian sense and at times it loudly opposes it.

If love is missing, then what replaces it becomes the logical question. Jihad (War Against Infidels), to many it is referred to as the sixth pillar of Islam.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 1, Number 44 reads... a man came to Allah’s Apostle and said "Instruct me to such as equals Jihad in reward." He said, "I do not find such a deed."

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 53 reads... the prophet said "Nobody who dies and finds good from Allah in the Hereafter would wish to come back to this world... except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to the world and get killed again in Allah’s cause."

Jihad exists to eradicate the world of infidels and polytheists to further the Islamic religious agenda - solely. The (beauty) of the Koran is that it is a "timeless" write that speaks directly to the reader. Only the fall and inhalation of the infidel and polytheism will bring date to the Koran. Infidels and polytheists exist today exacting the Koran as current and are defined as non believers of Allah and accordingly held in account for being different.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 19, Number 4214 reads... "if they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them Jiyza (taxation). If the refuse to pay the Jiyza seek Allah’s help and fight them."

9.29 Yusef Ali: Fight those who believe not in Allah... until the pay the Jiyza and feel themselves subdued.

This is what makes Islam unique from other world religions. No other currently dated world religion goes to such lengths to emphasize hostility towards other living religions in the manner in which Islam does. Islam also aspires to bring the entire world under its yoke. Comparatively, Judaism and Christianity moved away from founding religions under belief of love for others and "turning the other cheek" as it is written.

What does this have to do with us? IT WILL NOT STOP! Whether in our presence or in our absence in the middle east and middle eastern affairs, Islam will continue to do the only thing it knows how to do. It will wage war and bring oppression to all that are not Muslim. A draw down from Iraq and the intent to decrease our need for their resources will not withdraw us from the problem. One could argue that as our needs diminish the funding of this force will begin to fall short. While this is true; it is tens of years away. We will buy time and time alone while only limiting but a portion of the problem.

Under Jihad is Taqiyya (dissimilation). Again a common religious practice found elsewhere in other religions in that it is ‘forgivable’ for a person to denounce their religion to save the spilling of blood. The idea is that if you believe in your heart and are deeply true to your faith and denounce such to be spared, gives the religion the opportunity to live another day. In Islamic dissimilation is unique because it is a weapon of deception. It is a technique used to infiltrate infidel organizations by misrepresenting their religious affiliations in order to bring harm at a later date; be it by blood shed or disrupting governmental structure and agenda to find favor for Islam opportunities. There are several cited cases where Jihad has even been baptized Christian and converted to Judaism in order to enter politics in non - Muslim governments. In translation, it simply means you do not know who you can and can not trust given that a lie about their religious affiliations and agenda in these cases is an act of Jihad and bears the highest of reward in their hereafter. Those tentacles have long since been extended deep into our infrastructure and go virtually undetectable until such stated acts are carried out. Again, Israel serves as a prime example from both a terrorist perspective as well as an infiltrated government perspective.

We teach tolerance and acceptance of those who are most resolved in being intolerant and unaccepting. Our kind and forgiving nature may well be the very root of our own demise. Both the history of this religion and its current actions demonstrate what is to come. Though good in intent and the most honorable of positions to take, the flaw is only found in the result when the plan does not work. We are limited in the number of cheeks were can turn to the bitter, blood spilling slaps of Jihad.

(A rough draft for an article but probably will not have time to post it later but wanted your input).



Terry said...

Flower Magnolia

I found the whole lack of love concept very interesting. Even though I couldn't tell you the precise number, I know that love is mentioned many times in the Christian Bible; in fact, the basic tenant of Jesus' teachings "Love thy neighbor as you love yourself" seems to sum up the message that many church preaches: God's love. The connection between the lack of love and the abundance of hate in some radical followers of Islam is very intriguing indeed.

Posted by Flower Magnolia on Friday, January 30, 2009 - 5:26 PM
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