? ??????????????Skulls and Flames? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.6 (23 Ratings)??17 Grabs Today. 8866 Total Gr
abs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Orange Burn? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 4.4 (49 Ratings)??15 Grabs Today. 11320 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:???1 CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

They Meet

There she is! Surprisingly recognizable for some one that I have never seen in person. I sit back watching her eye the crowd looking for a familiar face. Purposely I keep my distance, sizing her up one last time. Draped in nervousness she begins to move towards the baggage claim. I follow from a distance watching her as she continues to scan the crowd. She patiently waits. Eying the reuniting couples; her look of nervousness slowly turns to disappointment.

"Are you looking for somebody?" I whisper into her ear.

She turns and her smile is warmer than I ever imagined. Though I don’t know if she was more happy or relieved to see me. I hug her close and she smells just as I dreamed she would, the sweet feminine smells of a mature woman.

She immediately asks "How long have you been here?" (Definitely more relief than happiness.)

I confess to following her from the gate and laughing at her nervousness and get a jab in the ribs and an admonishing stare. Conversation picks up with ease as we await her bag. She is very easy to get along with. It is like I have known her for years. What little nervousness that I had was now gone. She seems to have a way of putting me at ease, she always has I guess.

Walking to the car I can not help but put my are around her waist. She receptively leans in against my side without hesitation as we walk, talk, joke. I am already and enjoying the type of company that only she seems to be able to provide me. The 40 minute drive home speeds by and is filled with the comedy of her sarcasm, threats of retaliation for letting her walk through the airport in search of me and the ever fresh enlightenment that now seems to be as much of her as her smile.

Home at last. "Why am I nervous again?" I quietly think to myself as the gate slowly clanks its way across the rail and we begin to drive up to the house. She has grown quiet as she looks through the neighborhood nestled on the mountainside. The setting sun gives way to the dim street lights as we turn into the drive way. We enter the house and I give her the quick down and dirty tour feeling slightly awkward and embarrassed and do not want to appear as if I am showing off for doing well early in life. I rush her into the kitchen and begin dinner.

She is quick to jump in and makes cooking more fun than it already is for me. I watch her closely, realizing her beauty. I walk up behind her, slide my arms around her waist pulling her back against me. I gently kiss her earlobe and begin kissing down the back of her neck as she leans her head forth giving access to her. She sighs and melts in my arms as I kiss my way back up to her ear trying to prevent my hands from exploring the front of her body.

"Ummm, weren’t we doing something here?" I interrupt into her ear startling her back to the task at hand.

"Uh, yeah. We were, umm, yeah. We were cooking. Would hate to burn this."

I slowly withdraw my hands allowing them to graze places they have yearned to go since first I saw her. Together we cook and prepare dinner eyeing the dessert we know is in store. Moving about temptingly brushing against one another as the meal slowly begins to come together. The food simmering, aromas filling air as Grover Washington Jr.’s Winelight plays in the background.

"Now all we have to do is wait." I tell her as lean back against the island and pick up my beer.

She grabs her class of wine and walks over to and lays into my chest holding me so warmly. Taking her hand I guide her out back. The cool desert chill is already present as the moonlight glistens off the pool and silhouettes the mountain. An owl stealthily soars the sky before coming to rest on the limb of a tree.

"It’s so quiet here." she whispers as if she didn’t wish to interrupt the silence of the early night.

"It is, that’s why I moved up here. It’s my escape from the pressures of work."

She nods, sips her wine and walks over to the edge of the pool. She looks so natural, the pool light showing the feminine curves of her figure. She turns to me with a slight smile as if she is about to say something but no words come out. She just stands silently enjoying the introduction to my world. I make my way to her, she seems get prettier with each step I take. I slide my hands over her hips as I taste her full lips for the first time. Her soft warm lips send electric chills through my bones. She melts me with her essence as her feminine taste warms the cool evening air around me. She is magical in her sensuality and I feel a burning inside me I have never before felt.

"We’re going to burn dinner baby. Now we would not want to do that would we?" She says with a raised brow knowing she has just gotten even. I follow here as she glides back towards the kitchen.

We choose to eat dinner on the floor in front of the fireplace. Taking turns feeding each other, never missing and opportunity to steal a kiss. We laugh and enjoy each others closeness. I realized then why I like her so much. She is the way a woman was meant to be. She is strong and confident even when she is not at her best her determination remains intact. What I have been missing I see clearly now. It’s her. She sees me staring at her and pauses with a look that says "what?" I bring her close to me, not saying a word kiss her more purposefully than I have ever kissed a woman. I feel her intensity as she breathes harder and deeper bringing her body as close to mine as she can. My hands now freely exploring the curves of her body. Passionately kissing down her neck as I unbutton her blouse and caress her soft breasts. She exhales deeply as she lays back allowing me full access. Slowly removing her blouse as my lips find their way down to her breasts. Her nipples now erect, her body slowly undulating to each touch and caress of her soft, rich skin.

"Don’t stop." She says breathlessly as I suck her nipples while firmly holding her breast in one hand and my other hand slowly finds its way down past her belt. Her arousal grows and she pushes her hips up off the floor in anticipation of my first contact. We meet and she lets out a deep groan of pleasure. I look up at her; her eyes are lightly closed, her head tilted off to the side; she looks so beautiful to me. I kiss her lips softly and look deeply into her eyes. She grabs my head and kisses me deeply, exploring deep in my mouth with her tongue as I begin to undo her belt and pants. Slowly I begin to slide her pants off as she lifts and turns cooperatively. Before I know it; there she lies. Her naked beauty glowing under the dim orange light of the fire. She is all woman, perfect in her imperfection, confident in her insecurity and completely beautiful.

She reaches up in a mild attempt to remove my shirt. Together we take it off while passionately kissing. The sense of urgency now growing in me at a rapid rate. I want more of her, I want all of her and I want her now. She runs her soft hands over my naked chest and stomach. Her hands feel so good against my flesh, so warm an gentle. She raises up and begins kissing my chest as she now begins to explore my body. She slowly undoes the top of my pants and slides her hand down and fondles my erectness making me weak. Slowly she works her hand over and around every inch of me as I begin to kiss her naked body and completely remove my clothes. We take in each others nakedness. Her form waiting further attention I glide my hand gently over her as I kiss softly on her stomach.

She lies before me in quiet submission as I let my tongue learn her curves. I kiss and lick further down on her as she begins to move under me. I work my body over her just as I come in contact with her neatly trimmed hairline. She pushes her hips up off the floor as I taste her sweetness. I let my tongue work through her warm moist folds while she moans uncontrollably. Gabbing my head she pulls me deeper into her. My tongue coated and my mouth filling with her warm flowing juices.

"Please, please, please don’t stop!" She cries as my lips and tongue work her in a way she has never before been worked. Her body tenses up and she releases a deep gasping sound just before she convulses in a warm flow of satisfaction. Pulling me back up to her she kisses me deeply, her body shaking.

"Take me now, I want to feel all of you inside me."

Slowly I slide inside her. Her moist, warm tightness receiving me as she dug her nails into my shoulders. Slowly I stroke into her as she rotates her hips accepting me into her deepest regions. She feels as good as she tastes. Her legs wrapped around me as I begin to plunge inside her faster and faster. She begs me not to stop. Faster and faster I work into her as I raise my body over her. Our eyes meet and she reaches up and caresses the side of my face, the look in her eye telling me everything I need to know. Faster now as she pushes her hips up into me and moans deeply with pleasure.

"Oh God! Not again! Oh please don’t stop!" her moans now drowning out the jazz in the background.

"Finish with me." She begs as I work deeper insider of her. I slide my arms under the small of her back and bring her into me as I feel her tightening. She cries out in pleasure holding me tightly as I explode forcefully into her.

Her body moist with sweat, her legs trembling as she smiles looking deeply into my eyes as a tear escapes her. I gently wipe it away and tell her "It’s okay."

She says "I know, all I have ever wanted was for it to be okay."