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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Why Men Are Single

It is not what you think so you can dim the Man Hater Beams you have trained on me! LOL! I read this article the other day and it was as if it was written about me. It made me step back and think about it is that I am so picky and am so quick to not 'settle' for something less than what could be the best. Maybe the time has come to re-evalute some of my current positions.

Men prefer being solo over a bad marriage: study .. --> END HEADLINE -->


By Belinda GoldsmithMon Jun 2, 1:26 AM ET

Bachelor Carl Weisman got fed up of being classified as a playboy, a loser or a commitment-phobe so he set out to find out exactly why he and a growing number of eligible men were steering clear of marriage.

Weisman, 49, conducted a survey of 1,533 heterosexual men to research a book aiming to give women an insight into why some smart, successful men opted to stay single -- and help lifelong bachelors understand why they are still the solo man at parties.

He concluded that most men were not afraid of marriage -- but they were afraid of a bad marriage.

"Men are 10 times more scared of marrying the wrong person than of never getting married at all," Weisman told Reuters in a telephone interview.

"This is the first generation of people who have grown up with bad divorces. People assume there is something wrong if you don't marry but these are men who have made a different choice and not given in to social pressures."

The release of his book "So Why Have You Never Been Married? - Ten Insights into Why He Hasn't Wed," comes amid a growing trend for more people to stay single, with less social or religious pressures on men -- and women -- to tie the knot.

Weisman said U.S. figures showed that in 1980 about 6 percent of men aged in their early 40s had never married but this number had now risen to 17 percent.


Weisman said his online survey found there are three groups of bachelors -- about 8 percent who never want to marry, 62 percent want to marry but of which half won't settle for anything less than perfection, and about 30 percent who are on the fence.

Four out of 10 bachelors did not want children compared to three out of 10 wanting to be a father. The rest were undecided.

But while 72 percent of respondents said they were not afraid of marriage, about half of them said the situation that scared them most was marrying the wrong person.

"It's so important to these men to get it right. My best advice to single women after bachelors is to be patient. If you're in a hurry to get married you'll be frustrated," he said.

Weisman also found that financial issues, both positive and negative, played a large part in men's fear of commitment.

"Those with little money said they would have nothing to offer a partner, with some suffering self-esteem issues and withdrawing from the dating pool," said Weisman, an engineer-turned-author with two books now published.

"While those who are financially sound were terrified what a bad divorce could do to them."

Weisman said his research blew away any idea that single men were unhappy.

"A compelling issue was how many of them had found contentment in a never-married life," he said. "They had created lives full of careers, friends and ambitions. It was not like they walk around all day worried about not being married."

For him, researching the book made him also look at himself -- and he ended up living with a girlfriend for the first time.

"Now we're looking at getting married. As I researched the book I found I was looking at men 10 years older than me and it was like looking into the future. If I didn't change, nothing would," he said.

(Editing by Miral Fahmy)


Terry said...


Posted by A WORK IN PROCESS. YUDELKA on Tuesday, June 03, 2008 - 4:27 PM
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Vote 4 me - http://vote4cassandra.tumblr.com

As a trained researcher and statistician, I just want to point out that an ONLINE survey of only 1533 men, is not necessarily representative of all single men... LOL LOL

It is interesting information nonetheless... I do think the most interesting thing is the fear of marrying the WRONG person...

I do have a question for you Terry - why do you think this made you think about re-evaluating your position?

As someone who has settled for "less" than what was best for me in the past, I say - DON'T DO IT!

I also have come to realize that men are ready to get married when they are ready... They KNOW... and because of that, I have a very REAL suggestion to all the ladies out there...

If you are looking to get married and the man who you are dating says "I don't want to get married" BELIEVE HIM AND MOVE ON!!! It's not rocket science!
Posted by Vote 4 me - http://vote4cassandra.tumblr.com on Tuesday, June 03, 2008 - 5:46 PM
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Truer words never spoken Sandi.

I should provide some clarification though. I am not at all saying I am ready to get married (especially at this juncture in my career).

What I have noticed about myself is that I am EXTREMELY picky when it comes to women – EXTREMELY. The reason for that is because I firmly believe in several old fashioned approaches and perspectives as to what relationships are supposed to be and what marriage is supposed be. Accordingly I have set very high standards. That is a good thing. Granted, statistics do not lie but liars use statistics. Using such a small base (or cutting the base of the survey results at the point where they support your position) is one of those things you look for when you are going through such reports. In this case however, the shoe fits.

I would not trade my career for a relationship, I will not slow my work or writing down to be in a relationship, nor will I allow a relationship to negatively impact my progression in either. What I can identify here is the fact that FEAR of marrying the wrong person is a huge issue with me. I did not realize this. Fear is never a good thing as far as I am concerned because it is such a visceral and negative emotion. In settings such as this it displays itself with passive aggressive tendencies.

Could it be that my quest for the perfect woman is fueled with the knowledge that she does not actually exist and keeping such high standards allows me to comfortably further my career without the distractions associated with such complicated long term relationships? It is okay to be that way if you are honest with yourself and others about it. I can not say that I am and have been. So that simply is something that deserves the effort of some self evaluation. The way I see it, a woman deserves nothing less than full honesty when being told where she stands with a person she has expressed interest in. That can not be fairly given if it is based in denial.

The funny thing here is that I first sent this (another similar article) to a bunch of my friends. They all reacted to this the exact same way I did. All of them young single professional that would rather apply their efforts to securing their future than get caught up in the wrong type of relationship at the wrong time. Everything has to be done right the first time with these guys! When we sat down on Monday evening and talked about these articles over a few beers it was amazing how that exact same temperament crossed over into personal relationships – with being one of the worst. It called into question what “settling” – for less is and does that truly allow for the factors that makes so innately human.

You did say something else that was of particular interest (which also came up Monday night). You said if he says he is not ready to get married, then move on. Why is marriage the target?
Posted by Terry on Wednesday, June 04, 2008 - 8:35 AM
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Vote 4 me - http://vote4cassandra.tumblr.com

okay Terry... i am a week late responding to this but i was out of town and came back to a shitload of work! LOL so here is my late ass response:

i feel you... i REALLY DO... i can honestly tell you that when i was "doing me" and working on my education/career, i DID use that as an excuse to keep from worrying about the love-life part of my life... specifically i often told myself and others that i didn't have time to deal with dudes who didn't understand what i was going through - i had met PLENTY of them by that point and knew that i couldn't go down that path with the "wrong guy"... then i found a guy that was "convenient" because he was long distance and wouldn't be in my face begging for my time and energy while i was trying to complete my dissertation... it was great - it was devoid of all the complexities and "wrong" shit that i was trying to avoid at that point in my life... so i agree with you - that there's nothing wrong with your career being your focus and the reason you set such high standards as long as you admit to it! LOL LOL i readily admitted to it and i was happier for it... UNTIL i graduated, had a job, and had PLENTY of time for it... then i started to realize that HE no longer fit me, BUT i kept telling myself he did!

shoot, i can honestly admit that i avoided the concept of "marriage" for a long time because i didn't think the dude that i thought was perfect for me existed... i "settled" for dudes who weren't quite what i wanted because i was convinced the dude i wanted didn't exist... to me "settling for less" involves any situation where you compromise what you know makes you happy JUST for the sake of being in a relationship... and i did that... and i WON'T do that again... and because of that, i am more honest with myself and the dudes that came along since then... which is why i am so much happier now than i have ever been...

Regarding your question about what I said at the end of my response to your blog... let me remind you that my words exactly were "If you are looking to get married and the man who you are dating says "I don't want to get married" BELIEVE HIM AND MOVE ON!!!" my point here is that if what a woman is working towards and has her sights set on is "marriage" (which honestly i don't necessarily agree with) and she meets a guy that says he doesn't want to get married that she should move on... because staying with him or going down that road with him involves her settling for less than what she wants and sets her up for disappointment that she could avoid!

me personally, i don't feel like anybody should be looking for "marriage" or making "marriage" the target... i think that we should all be keeping our hearts, minds and souls open to meeting someone that FITS US... developing a solid foundation with a person... and if at some point that leads to the thought "wow, i could so marry this person" - THAT is the business!!! THOSE are the relationships that last... THOSE are the marriages that stand the test of time... because they were never built on the premise that either of them had to get married... they were built on a genuine relationship!

so i've rambled enough! :o)
Posted by Vote 4 me - http://vote4cassandra.tumblr.com on Thursday, June 12, 2008 - 10:50 AM
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!☆Dynamyte D☆!

I think everyone knows how picky you are! LOL

I think that this article is as real as it can get. Men are fearful of the wrong person, and having a failing marriage. Since you are taking a step back and taking a look at yourself I am going to give you a little advice.

There is no PERFECT woman out there, and you never know if a relationship will last. I think that if you look deep into who the woman really is then you can make it work. You won't settle if you find a woman that doesn't do anything that you won't tolerate. Any person is going to get on your nerves and make you mad. It is about whether or not you want to work through problems with that person.

Once you find a woman that can make you laugh, is nice, intelligent, has a good head on her shoulders, she is driven, she is willing to offer you just as much as you offer her if not more, she is willing to go out of her way if necessary, she is understanding despite how difficult you are, she is willing to work out problems with you, even if you work her nerves on the regular! lol She can calm you down, you know that no matter what you can be yourself with her. You know her personality well enough to know that she is undersanding.

Even if you werent or arent completely open about everything in the begining a woman that can handle you opening up later. Someone who just over all makes you happy.

You have to understand that, a relationship/marriage is a two way street. You have to be willing to give her all of you as she gives you all of her. There are not many real women out there but there are some. You know what qualities you want in a woman and what you will and won't tolerate.

No marriage or relationship is guaranteed so as long as she is not doing anything that you know you will not tolerate it is not settling it is taking a chance for the person that you are in love with. It is not settling whether it works or not. Just don't rush into things and take them as they are and go day by day. Take every step in the relationship to the next level when the both of you are ready. Just because you are ready doesnt mean that she is and vice versa. Communication is the key, it is okay to let someone know when you are or are not ready for a certain step in a relationship. It is okay to talk about it in between steps.

Now Terry your first step is opening up your hard ass head so you can actually find a girlfriend. All of the advice goes for a relationship as a marriage. If you can be in a serious relationship you can get married. Someone that you can be in a serious relationship for a long time will be that person that you evaluate and say hey, can I see myself marrying this person when the time is right? Does she just flat out piss me off majority of the time? How well do you get along, can you tolerate being around this person? Does this person respect your space no matter how she really feels? things like that! Once you answer all of those questions and more you are set!

I have been going on and on. I will end this here it could turn into a dinner conversation!
Posted by !☆Dynamyte D☆! on Wednesday, June 04, 2008 - 8:50 AM
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I screwed off for two many hours yesterday and now I am paying the price and catching up today which is limiting my time here and now. BUT I will steal a bit more time just for you!

So, people seem to be fairly open about this topic so in good keeping let’s talk about some of my hang ups. My big thing is I like to make decisions and have no trouble at making them for other people. I frequently find myself acting on people without first giving them an option. When it comes to this, the first thing that goes through my mind is that I would date me. And that is because of my work. In turn what I do is not date that I think are of the quality that you have mentioned because I think it is unfair to them. Now looking back I realize I do that without giving the person the option. (See! I have already started my self evaluation on this)! LOL!

I am driven, ambitious and principled to a fault. I know that. Problem is, I have found great success in it. So much so that I set higher and higher professional goals each time I undertake a new project because there is value in the hard work and long hours I put in. The more I achieve here, the harder I work. I see this as only getting worse in the coming years. It is so bad with me that I have started researching ways to sleep less and not suffer the effects of sleep depravation. Sounds horrid but true.

I have to agree with every point you made; to include opening up my hard ass head! LOL! What is obvious is that I am ready to work in something more social (of course under the stipulations of my work)! LOL! Like everything else, I want to do it right with the right understandings going into it. I still question if I am hard lining my work too much – not that I see myself changing it but I wonder none the less.

You know things about me that few others do. I appreciate not only your candor but what lies between the lines. Fully received here!

And yes, a dinner conversations sounds great! Right now I have to get out to Olgin. We dropped a drone dead smack in some one’s pool! Hopefully I can keep this out of the newspapers around here. These anti war bubbas have a way of working my nerves.
Posted by Terry on Wednesday, June 04, 2008 - 10:25 AM
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!☆Dynamyte D☆!

I am glad my points were well taken! The difference between myself and others is that I have a very good understanding of people and why they are the way they are, and why they do certain things. Something that I should say I learned mostly on my own but an ex was great at it. He showed me a thing or two when it comes to people.

Everyone has different likes and dislikes in the opposite sex, however for the big picture everyone should be looking for a few of the same qualities. That is if you want a good relationship. There are a lot of factors to that however. LOL

What I think you fail to realize Terry is that there is a way to balance work and a steady serious relationship. You just have to know HOW to balance the two and you have to have someone by your side that understands you are balancing and also understands the importance of your work and appreciates what you do. They have to realize that they are not number one your job is especially until you decide otherwise. Alot of women can be bossy and say things like I am going to call you tomorrow you better answer no excuses and things like that. If those people are serious then they do not respect you or the life that you are currently living which is basically your career. You work and travel so much that you will make time when you want to make time. They have to be able to understand and respect the time they are given. Eventually as the relationship progresses you will make more and more time for that person because you will learn to balance everything out better. It will just take time, and the right person. My suggestion is being friends first. Really get to know them as a friend and then turn that into a relationship if you feel it is possible. My saying is friendship makes the best relationship. If you are friends first there is so much more opportunity for a good lasting relationship. The most important detail to remember is do not let on that you may be seeking a relationship out of them because they will do what they think you wwant them to do in order to be in a relationship with you. Being someones friend first gives them the chance to completely be themselves, meaning you can learn their good and bad traits and decide if it is something you can or can not deal with. You can see things they are going through and watch them go through them and see how they handle the situations so if something similar was to happen during your relationship you know how that person handles certain situations.

I hope that all of this makes sense and maybe you can pass it on to your hard headed friends and family members....(you know which family member I am speaking of). You guys are all just so stubborn and hard headed! LOL
Posted by !☆Dynamyte D☆! on Wednesday, June 04, 2008 - 12:22 PM
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!☆Dynamyte D☆!

While I was writing my comment you added a response to someone elses so I will respond and add some things. You are absolutly right, I would never sacrifice my job to be in a relationship with anyone at anytime in my life. I would never expect anyone else to either. To add on to what I said about a woman respecting your space, what I meant by that was allowing you to have alone time, understanding how busy you are in your career and what it all intails. Can she handle your busy life. That goes when living with a person as well you still need your space. For a lot of women they like to be around their man, and may call several times a day but as long as it is not every 5 minutes or 1 hour you are good. You are right, the target does not mean marriage! Even if you do know that you want to marry that person and they are not ready that does not mean you need to hit the road. The right person will be with you as long as it takes for you to be ready to get married because if they wait for you to be ready then the chances of that marriage working will be greater!
Posted by !☆Dynamyte D☆! on Wednesday, June 04, 2008 - 9:00 AM
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I am back in from Elgin, still have yet to get some rest.

Once I saw where this blog was going I forwarded it to the fellas in my inner circle. As it updates I update them. That certain family member is being updated as well! LMAO! And yes, we are equally hard headed. Some apples just don’t fall far from the tree I guess.

That night everyone came over to my has to hang out and play pool is when this first came up (or maybe that was the second conversation – I am so tired right now my time line is all messed up again). One of the things I think is missing here is ‘her’.

I am a very good example of that (not of ‘her’ LOL) but in terms of settling when it comes to her. I work long hours and travel a great deal. What you are saying is that she should accept that if she has an interest and wants to see where things go. Would that not be settling on her part? Believe it or not, that is one of my biggest hang ups with all of this; what I would put her through.

You are right, friends first. Anything less is a recipe for disaster. Let’s use you as an example. You know what I am about, how I am and to a great extent why I am the way I have become. You know my hours, you know my travel patterns. I would even go as far to say that you know a lot of my quirks. If you and I started seeing each other you would know exactly what you are getting yourself into; the good, the bad and the ugly of it. Would your expectations change? Would you be looking for more because we are in a relationship or would you let it come as I make you more of a priority?

When I am seeing some one I feel obligated to make them a priority. I will do that to my own detriment because I feel people deserve certain things in a relationship – again, the old fashioned side of me kicking in.

Balance. Here is how I am going to balance this. I am going to work, just as I always do and ease her in as become growingly comfortable. If things progress, great. If they don not, she is wrong for me somewhere. Looking back I can honestly say I have forced myself to be with people. I am no longer like that – at all.

Another hang up. Gold diggers. You would be surprised what motivates people and the things they are willing to do for the passenger side spot in a M6! LMAO! I tend to be leery of that sort of thing because it is accompanied by so much deceit. That has a lot to do with why I don not invite women over to my house – or even tell them the area I live in.

You said in your two way street comment that you have to be willing to give a person all of you. You know, that is just not easy to do. You are right, it’s just not easy. There is so much of my work I can not discuss I find myself not saying a lot because professional and personal or so closely tied together with me. The average person needs to know sol little when it comes to that because our biggest issue here is security and you always question why a person is talking to you. What makes it worse I was actually approached one night when I was out drinking. As the conversation progressed this person was asking what I do – nothing out of the ordinary. I went tight lipped like always and kept the conversation simple and rallied my boys in on the conversation. Towards the end of the evening she starts asking to get together sometime and gives me her information. A few days later I am at work and on a whim I call the security manager into my office. I tell him that it is probably nothing but I wanted him to look into it and hand him the info she had given. Two hours later he is back in my office and we had a very serious issue on our hands. So (though not so much with you) I tend to be stand offish. To a degree we actually have to cut ourselves off from having too much social contact. That narrows the field down a lot!
Posted by Terry on Thursday, June 05, 2008 - 8:53 AM
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!☆Dynamyte D☆!

LOL! I thought that you were back here in AZ? HMMMM

As far as that cetain family member goes, he needs to stop being hard headed too. From everything you tell me about him and his ex they seemed perfect for eachother.

Enough about him and back on to you. I unlike most women am more understanding of things and peoples lives. I may not necessarily like you being away all the time or wanting space because I am the type of person that could be around the person I love 24/7 and not have any issues with it. I would not be settling I would be respecting you, the life that I know you live that was there before we would be together and the fact that you need your time as I need mine. Of course when you are in a relationship whether you are extremely busy or not the other person becomes a little bit of a priority but how much of one is on you and that will eventually progress at the same time the relationship is progressing. Believe it or not you wouldnt even realizing that you were doing it. The only way it would not naturally be progressing is if you just flat out were forcing yourself to not allow it.

Forcing yourself to be with someone? Why would you do that? It makes no sense, if you have to force yourself then they are not meant for you and you don't really like them so what is the point in being with them?

Back on to the being friends first part, If someone knows your lifestyle and they accept it because they truly like/love you then they are not settling and on top of that they can not get upset about it later. They know you and your lifestyle and they knew it going into a relationship with you. My theory is if you accept something about someone it can not become an issue later. You knew it from the start and that can not be an excuse later.

So you keep refering to 'her' is there a her you are thinking about already? Or is it someone that you are already seeing that you are thinking about easing in? The most important thing to remember from what I see in you is that all these years you have been diliberatly closing women out whether you decided to see them or not.

I know it is not easy to give someone all of you. You don't have to do it right away you just slowly give yourself to that other person. Someone who understands you will wait until you are ready to give yourself completely to them. That is where the marriage comes in. You can be in a relationship for a year and that doesnt mean you have to give yourself completely to that person. One of you may choose to while the other one is not ready to. That is okay, the right person will understand that. Before you ask this question, NO that does not mean she is settling again she is respecting him and what he is and is not ready for.

Men especially arent as willing to open up to their significant other right away, reason being they are afraid to do so and she ends up being the wrong person. Does that make sense?

Men have the fear of doing the wrong things with the wrong people at the wrong time because they are concerned about how that will reflect their lives later. Because they are so worried about it they sometimes fail to see what is in front of them. They fail to see that they have let that 'ONE' go. They let certain things cloud the bigger picture that drives me crazy about people.

Remember when we were talking about your cousin and his last girlfriend. The one that you had absolutly nothing bad to say about, the one that you said he fit so well with but there were a few issues that happened. Now that is where my point gets made, everything that happened were things he knew about before he went into that relationship. He knew she had kids and I am sure she told him about the father of her kids and how he was. Something he accepted well before they started their relationship. As far as her friends go, if she wasn't physically involving herself with these people but talked to them on the phone then that is not an issue. The point here is he knew enough about her and I am sure he knows enough about life to realize that he accepted these things about her to begin withand to bring them up later as a reason to end the relationship is no excuse. The truth was that he was scared that because of these little problems it could end up being bad, but he knew better and was truly afraid that things would get messed up because he knew he had a good thing right in front of him. He was more afraid that those issues would affect her and she would end the relationship and may not handle the situations correctly, he was afraid that it could happen but he knew she would handle them.

About this secret woman that was trying to get the low down on you! What the hell, why would you even think about getting with a women that is hitting on you that strongly in a bar? Come on now you are smarter than that. You dont do that! NO!!!!!

Don't even get me started on GOLD DIGGERS! ...." I aint sayin she a gold digger but she aint fuckin wit no broke.......LOL I can not stand women that refuse to do things for themselves. They feel a man should take care of them. My belief is you can tell when a person is sincere and I believe it doesnt matter how much money you make as long as you provide for yourself. Getting help from your significant other is okay, as long as you are doing everything you need to do to provide for yourself.
Posted by !☆Dynamyte D☆! on Thursday, June 05, 2008 - 9:57 AM
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Elgin is just south of Sonoita.

‘Her’, let’s consider that as a would be or could be person that I would consider seeing. We can cut through the innuendo here if you wish. Last time we spoke in the third and fourth person it got twisted beyond belief and you ended up slamming me! LOL! However, I think things since then have changed and history will not repeat itself. Fortunately I thick skin enough to stay the course on what I find value in, regardless of the bumps in the road.

There are things that you think you can deal with and over time they simply become too much, or they bring thing forward that you have moved away from. This was the case with my cousin. He tried, they talked about but in the end the things he was dealing with were things that were not to his liking. I would have done the same. It is hard to disqualify a person that has the right traits for reasons that are beyond them. That is not to say that those same reasons can become too much if that person does not get them under control. Influences in your life, affect you and those close to you. That is just a fact of life. It’s then your choice to become subjected to it. He opted not to. The point is, there is more to it than just the two people. We can fool ourselves and play the ‘we can over come anything together’ game but in reality you can’t over come something that is not behind you.

Back to you. You would make a good sales person. I see your points. So you are cool with my work, my need for time and space, my travel, my not being so open yet, being so set in my ways and being so old fashioned?
Posted by Terry on Friday, June 06, 2008 - 10:56 AM
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!☆Dynamyte D☆!

We are just going to have to agree to disagree about your cousin. LOL maybe she is completely cool with how things ended up but deep down I am sure that she isn't. When you started telling me about them, no matter what they should be together. That is just my opinion based off of your information. I am sure it is not as bad as he is making it out to be.

Why would you say I would make a good sales person? I am cool with all of that because it is you and I see the bigger picture. but based off the information you just gave me that you would do the same thing as your cousin I am not sure that you would be there the same way I would be there for you. yes I am cool with your work and all of that some of the those things might bug me a little but nothing that I can not handle.

Now if I were you talking I would be saying Yes I am cool with it but later on down the road it might get to be too much! Get my point, although it got a little bit outta hand one time he knew with the given history going into the relationship that it was a possibility. He knew that it was beyond her and probably why he opted to move forward, because regardless of all that she had a good head on her shoulders and the good of her out weighed the bad. Then he allowed it to get under his skin and kicked her to the curb because of something that was beyond her. Not fair to her especially given that she was a good person.

So in your case even if some things changed and we were together where you ended up having a period where you were constantly gone and always busy and working that is something I accepted and knew there were possiblities when i got into a relationship with you so it could never become "too much" So yes I would stick by you, but that opportunity for you is not there because I know I would not get the same in return. Again do you get my point?

I am just as busy as you sometimes could that get to be too much for you because I could not see you when you could see me? Then there is the possibility that we may not see eachother for 2 months because our schedules conflict. Could you handle that or would it be too much if that ever happened?

Get my point?

If not, the point is when there is something that could about a person you are cool with and know that there is an opportunity for something to go wrong a time or two or possibly get worse for awhile but opt to move forward anyway it can never be too much.

HERE is a Perfect example;

I have cancer when you meet me, but my odds are good but you know they could change. So you move forward with me, well 4 or 5 months in turns out I am going to die. Oh no that just got to be too much so you leave. It is the same thing.
Posted by !☆Dynamyte D☆! on Friday, June 06, 2008 - 12:01 PM
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