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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The US is planning to boycott the UN conference on racism.

Many are assuming the US boycott is about what the US has to hide as far as racism within our country. Several things come to mind on this. I really do not think that this is so much an issue of our nation being perceived as racist by other nations, but more of our nation's support of Israel. The cited reason for the boycott is unflattering verbiage that stands to (further) darken Israel's reputation in its handling of Palestine and Muslims in general.

Agree or disagree with the war, truce, war, cease fire, war relationship between the Muslims and Israel, the bottom line is that Israel refuses to ebb to the Arabs. One first has to understand the history of the conflict and our unyielding support of Israel in their efforts to both claim and keep a homeland (Zionism).

Jews started entering what is now Israel in the 1920's and 1930's and given statehood by a fledgling UN in the 1950's. The Arabs (Muslims) were strongly opposed to this and fought their immigration both politically and violently. Problem was the Jews kept kicking their asses every time they were attacked. The Jews were given half the land by the UN and were again attacked. The results were the same and Israel pushed the fight deeper and deeper into Palestine and forced the Palestinian Arabs into the final quarter of the territory which made over 700,000 Arabs refugees who sought shelter in tent cities in Syria. The UN offered to take these refugees in but they insisted in remaining refugees while they waited for the Muslims to again reclaim their land from the Jews. Under political pressure from Arab states and the UN, Israel withdrew – not from being forced out. Their withdrawal was viewed as an Arab and Muslim victory and not a political concession. The "victory" fueled the motivation of Muslims to fight and they have relentlessly attacked the Jews in forms of war and terrorism since. For Jews in this Muslim "holy land" there is no peace in life and there is no peace of mind. It is either fight or be again run out of a homeland. So, they fight and we (America) support their fight.

One way of looking at this is from the Islamic perspective. Jews (a much hated infidel) is not only living on their holy land, but Israel has persecuted and oppressed its people! This religion is notorious for its hatred of infidels to begin with, when you add the fact that they keep getting defeated by said infidels it serves only to add insult to injury to a very proud people.

Our support of Israel is largely why we (America) fall under attack by Muslims and Muslim Extremists – and of course, we too are infidels in their eyes. In reading the current definitions of infidels in Islamic propaganda you repeatedly find Christians, Jews and Atheists /Pagans; which has replaced Polytheists. (To us, Atheists and Pagans are two completely different things but to them they are one in the same). Semantics aside, Islam revolts against all that which is not of its own religion. It is a religion that is both written and designed to conquer all religions that are not Islam. The Koran is a "timeless" write that directly reads to oppress, tax, and fight to the finish against any person or religion that refuses to accept it (Islam) as world order.

That is of particular importance at this time because the new administration is under the impression that this is an enemy in which we can simply disengage and walk away from. We look to draw down the troops in Iraq, we look to politically speak directly to a government that does not separate church and state (not to say that we do) with a "we are not your foe" statement as if these acts will allow us to fly under the radar against an enemy that stands against us by its very design. Our withdrawal, just as Israel's withdrawal will be viewed as a victory and new violence will be garnished as it reward. (Mark my words on that)!

In our defense of Israel and our boycott of this conference; "…unless the final document is changed to drop all references to Israel and the defamation of religion". The U.S. and Israel walked out midway through that eight-day meeting over a draft resolution that singled out Israel for criticism and likened Zionism — the movement to establish and maintain a Jewish state — to racism. The anti Zionist movement is purely Muslim and in their eyes are grounds for religious genocide. Canada (by the way) is also looking to boycott the conference.

The irony here is that the conference is named Durban II. The initial conference (Durban) in 2001 was dominated by clashes over the Middle East and slavery. Here we have a conference that is enabling religious oppression by Islam at the expense of the only Jewish State in existence in the name of racism directed against the Jew that eight short years ago stood against the Middle East. (The word hypocrisy should slamming into your temples right about now). Should the conference let out and globally speak against Israel, the country and religion will be set back more than 50 years of evolutionary development. The consequence of such actions could lead to the fall of Judaism given that more than 48% of its followers live in Israel. This is exactly how Zoroastrianism fell to Islam (less the political involvement of global sympathizers). This is what Islam does; it eradicates competing world religions and forces violence through intolerance. (This is not to be taken as a slight to Muslims. It is simply stating the design and nature of this religion). Jihad's Future speaks to this outside of the conference.

Boycotting is the new administration's way of not supporting the UN's stance against Israel. In not supporting it, our current administration assumes a very passive and cowardly role. We wish to not further agitate the Muslims by speaking in support of Israel and therefore against them. We will be dragged into this regardless. Shortly following the conference (should it go forth on the current agenda) Muslims will have found both political and global validation in their agenda of intolerance and aggressively move forward against Zionism. We will either assist Israel militarily or we will (in our life time) watch the fall of a world religion.

You may note that the founding Monotheistic religion is Zoroastrianism. It was born in the Middle East but is now considered an Indian religion because Islam forced the few remaining followers out of the Middle East after killing the rest. Zoroastrianism now comprises .07% of encompassed world religions; the FOUNDING monotheistic religion was written of the books as a Middle Eastern religion and eradicated by a religion it gave birth to. This religion did not lose followers to more progressive religions; its followers were slaughtered, enslaved and driven out by Islam. Judaism is next.

As much as our boycott seems that it is about what we have to hide as a nation, it's not. It's about Israel, it's about religion and it's about the US becoming passive and cowardly under the new administration. Only by standing firm can we gain respect and stop such acts. In effect, our passivity is ignorantly enabling the Muslim movement of dominance. One then has to question what happens next. Understanding Islam, I think it obvious. They will seek new territory and continue efforts in Africa to push Christianity out. It will look to deepen its grip in Europe and gain further economic strength. Then its aggression will intensify here in the US.

If this sounds in the least bit farfetched take a quick look at the progression of Islam. Study the Koran. Learn about Jihad. Notice how in the religion of Islam "love" is used. Identify how martyrdom is rewarded. And then ask how can there ever be peace with a religion such as Islam gaining such political strength through its corrosion and corruption of the UN. There are simply no nice answers to be found.

I am not anti Muslim. I am however anti oppression. The Jews are lifelong victims of oppression by Muslims. A great deal of the genocide carried out against the Jews by the Germans was orchestrated by a banished Muslim leader and his followers when they fled Palestine to Libya. And for me, therein lies the problem. We like to think that conferences such as Durban II are about us. Hell, we like to think everything is about us but we forget to look back before we look forward. In looking back we can gain better perspective on the events of today and can begin to draw reasonable conclusions as to what lies in store in future years. It is from that perspective that I gauge this on. How the UN can draft a conference that enables anti Zionist temperament is of grave concern. The very organization that granted Jews statehood now moves to sign its death certificate and all because Israel refuses to succumb as both a state and religion to Islam.

To me (and this is just my opinion) the UN now has an Islamic agenda; while it may or may not fully understand the history of Islam, this agenda is ill fated for all but Muslims. Israel reserves the right to fight so long as they continue to fall under attack by Muslims and Muslim Extremists – just as you and I do, just as America does and just as any nation or any people do. Fighting oppression, enslavement and for your home is beyond human in terms of condition. It is a natural condition innate to all living creatures.

The worst thing that can happen is the UN revokes statehood at which time ethnic cleansing will commence and the Middle East will erupt in full war as Israel falls. Pulling out of Iraq serves this agenda as it will allow Muslims to concentrate efforts and resources on Israel. The best thing that can happen is this issue is stricken from the conference and the Muslim agenda goes unaddressed as it pertains to Israel in this forum and is thus not globally validated. The best simply meaning delaying the inevitable fight that is to come shortly after our withdrawal. The fight will be less popular from a Muslim perspective, but they are going to fight. Israel is no slouch. The fight will get ugly and get ugly fast but with the added resources, Israel this time may very well fall and history will again begin repeat itself as we watch the destruction of a religion because it is simply not of the Islamic religion. (Or Israel can pay the Muslims to coexist as the Islamic religion is written). Like I said, there are no nice answers on this.

As one of my readers asked me not to long ago on this issue with Islam and Judaism; "Is this our fight?" My best answer is it will be our fight sooner or later; and the later the fight the worse the fight. The problem in letting it happen is the growth and spread of Islam. Fighting a smaller foe today is always better than fighting a bigger stronger foe tomorrow; but again, the fight will be fought. No one likes the idea of it but that's just how things are in today's world. The global fighting you see is ALL BASED ON RELIGION. The political wars we saw to stop the spread of communism and non democratic governments are gone. Today's fighting is different but the ideology is the same. One group feels the other is different and therefore bad. Until Islam stops (or is stopped) these are the new wars of the current age.

Anything that violently lashes out at everything that is different to it will eventually come knocking on your front door. These people knocked on ours very noticeably on September 11th 2001. Failing to stop its progression only guarantees they will again come knocking. To teach them to stop knocking, you must prove to them they never again want to as much as walk the path to your door. This is exactly what we are currently undoing. Closing Gitmo. Releasing detainees while the fight continues (both administrations with more blame going to Bush's in this case) and attempting to try detainees as if the robbed a Best Buy or a Walmart. We are trying to fight a politically correct war with more concern of being liked as a nation than being feared and respected as a nation. The message that sends is that we are weak. We are the sheep cowering from the wolf. They will be back because we are not showing them it is in their best interests to stay away.

Some military leaders such as General Black Jack Pershing understood how to handle such threats in terms that Muslim Extremists could understand. Until we bring that temperament and understanding back, this is the way the world will be.

We can convict a US Marine for over reacting a killing an Iraqi man but we struggle to bring the masterminds of 9/11 to trial. We have detained and released a Muslim Extremist who is now the head Taliban officer fighting against the troop buildup in Afghanistan. Do we really think this is the way to be respected by an enemy?

The Durban II UN Conference on Global Racism as written today in its agenda poses Islamic Militant temperament as correct and undermines the need of understanding how this religion poses a threat to all ways of life. A boycott is a cowardly act. It is the US stating that it is scared to go forth and publically stand up against Muslim Extremists, Terrorists and support the next nation that will fall victim to it. Seeing things like this validates that living in war is better than living in fear and denial. Putting things off only leaves them unfinished. Somehow we have to realize that this is not a nice world, this is not a peaceful world and come to the reality at some point we must either take measures to stop Muslim agendas or fall victim to them.

It is not a crime to be both liberal and have a set of nuts; it's just that the two (like Islam and everything else in the world) cannot manage to coexist. And I thought Carter was bad!

