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Sunday, March 1, 2009

A surprise dinner visitor

Pretty much a no brainer.

Sitting in my office last night working away on this new project. I look up and of all people Hayley is standing there with one of the night security guards!

"You have got to be hungry by now. Let’s go get something to eat, then you get back to work."

What I like about Hayley is that she loves to argue and will disagree with something just to start an in depth conversation.

True to form, no sooner than we are in the car she says, "what will happen when Bush does not bail them out and forces bankruptcy?" LMAO!

Just as I have written here, I explain he will not force them into bankruptcy, orderly or otherwise because of the impact it would have on the economy. She read the blogs and new my position but and explained how she did not support it and leaned more towards free enterprise.

Free enterprise and the difference between a recession and depression are two different things. Key in on the word FREE. When free enterprise impedes economic stability the government MUST intercede to protect the interests of our way of life. FREEdom as we know it. This is much the case here. She was so resolved in her position she wagered a bet that Bush would balk on the bail out. As you well know, I am a betting man and take a bet a personal challenge. In this case the challenge was that she knew better than I. Her points were candid but overly conservative, thus lacking objective perception.

This morning the conditional bailout is made public. The formerly objecting conservatives rolling over after having fought off the liberal writing are now all for it. (A dog whose bark is worse than their bite, needs to be kicked in their teeth)! Of interest here is the conditions; in particular that of the Union. Already they have conceded their program benefits package of the Job Bank and like detrimentally impacting ideals. Unions will never again be the same! Obama has spent two years coveting unions, their practices and their principles for liberal support. He has wisely not only grown quiet about this in recent weeks, he has distanced himself from them seeing the true damage they can cause. He dresses right, that Obama does. From a perspective of free enterprise, unions are beginning to be seen as the tool of counter production they actually are. The unions that felt an upper hand under Obama are now in sheer panic and on the verge of revolt. The ace in the whole, just flew south for the winter and left them high and dry.

Unions will begin to reform under government instruction. They have been exposed in all of their wickedness from an economic perspective. The cast card union ballot system. Consider that gone; that is more dead in the water than a Canadian Navy Destroyer! The problem here is liberal positions are being shot down one right after the other. It is not because the positions are wrong; it is due to the fact the positions are BAD! When you car more for a person than they care for themself, they will use and manipulate you. This is the case with unions. The position was filled with the right intent; a person looking out for the little worker bee and trying to get him more of the profits from the ‘man’. Fine, but what has happened to that? You literally have people demanding more for nothing based on a concept that was filled with the right intent but transformed into pure economic evil. Good idea gone bad due to the wrong approach. Big business can be petitioned to implement benefits. That was the original idea behind union to begin with. Out with the unions, in with the benefit packages. (No, you will not get paid to not work unless you have accrued the hours to do so). Programs exist that can replace every union in this country that can encompass every benefit unions sponsor without the company going to the brink of destruction funding them. This will not be immediate but as the Automakers begin their reform, unions will be drawn into the wake and scrutinized. The scrutiny will come from the federal level; not the state. Those who not only supported Obama will but funded Obama will be the ones under scrutiny. Obviously this will not sit well with individuals who "bought" support in backing the new president. "Batten down the hatches and stand by for heavy rolls!" LOL! But with that comes a bitter reality of overly left positions and selfish motivation in supporting a candidate. In this case they knew good and well their cause is ill; to such an extent that it became feasible to request support through campaign donations. (Simply put, they tried to buy support and failed). Given that March 31st is when the Automakers must have their plan of reform submitted, the true fallout will start until earlier summer but the unions will go on the attack almost immediately. The Automakers plan will contain HEAVY finger pointing at the unions (who are already conceding position points) and will call for reform from them. That call for reform will be heard at the highest government level and acted upon. The unions will in turn begin their finger pointing and it will get nice and entertaining (ugly). This will accelerate his shifting from the unreasonable left. To fog it he will draw attention to medical care and other social issues. Don’t believe the hype! Medical care access and the numbers behind them are skewed by two groups; those that don’t pay for their care and those that are here illegally and seek medical treatment. In fact, look for him to start early drawing attention to such issues. When you are reading numbers supporting HMO’s and the such, compare those numbers against those of failed billing and illegals seeking treatment. The results will shock you!

Anyway, she has obviously lost the bet. An early morning pouting phone call confirmed such! LOL! The following discussion (most of it shared here) only instilled more pouting being that she is a devout Obama supporter. She too was snowed, you are in good company! LOL! Just kidding - well, no I am not, just being nice today (I must be sick or something). She went on to mention Obama’s selections. I pointed out two things before she moved to shut me up. The sec of ed first; 18% of his eighth graders can read on the 8th grade level and his math programs (scoring in at 255; though up from previous years) are significantly below the national average of 280. And with all of the complaints about the finance industry and saying "government fell asleep at the switch" when it comes to this issue; appointing a man who was AWAKE at the switch while Citi-Group imploded to take over financial matters???!!! But, they are both friends and with friends comes unconditional support - obviously. She was less than happy with her first of the morning phone calls. She ended in saying "we will talk about these issues later over dinner." And hung up.

It promises to be an interesting conversation.