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Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Has Happened To Religion

What has happened to religion?

When was the last time you heard "I am a God fearing Christian?" Even as a child I questioned that concept because it never made sense to me. Why FEAR God? Why fear that which is supposed to be good? My "Grams" was good! I never feared going to visit or stay with her. She would bust me up when I was out of line but I did not fear what I knew to be good. My aunt and uncle were hard on me; quick to discipline and quicker to love but never once did they threaten me in order to keep me on the straight and narrow.

In church I was continually threatened by a man representing a Man. That too did not sit well with my young and challenging mind. Discussion after discussion about this ended with how man should fear God – though I never understood why good should be feared. It was my introduction to the contradiction that is religion. When was the last time your feared something that was good? You fear wrong and evil; not good. I found it to be ironic that the only good thing in our humanity to fear is God; being that all else in life that I was pensive about were things that are wrong. Fear in this usage was described to me at that young age as awe and reverence. Then I got my hands on the Old Testament – fear was an understatement at best! I compared it to the bible I had in my bedroom and found vengeance and contempt for those who stood against God's will; and yes – fear. My young, self folding mind painted clear pictures of the concepts these books held and determined for myself just how aggressive of a religion Christianity is. I followed my religion, studied my religion and never hid my religion as I was taught to do but never lost the images my young mind developed as a youth. These are but a few of the passages that I clearly remember to this day:

Deuteronomy 5:7

I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.

Deuteronomy 12:2-3

2. Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: 3. And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

Revelation 9:3-6

3. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. 5. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment [was] as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.

Deuteronomy 21:18

If you have a "stubborn and rebellious son, then you and the other men in your neighborhood shall stone him with stones that he die.

Proverbs 30:17

The eye that mocketh at his father, and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.

Leviticus 26:21:29

And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.
I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate. Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.
And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

2 Kings 2:23

From there Elisha went up to Bethel.
As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said.
"Go on up, you baldhead!" He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.

Lamentations 4:9:11

Those killed by the sword are better off than those who die of famine; racked with hunger, they waste away for lack of food from the field.
With their own hands compassionate women have cooked their own children, who became their food when my people were destroyed. The LORD has given full vent to his wrath; he has poured out his fierce anger. He kindled a fire in Zion that consumed her foundations.

Ezekiel 5:8-10

The LORD says: I myself am against you, Jerusalem, and I will inflict punishment on you in the sight of the nations. Because of all your detestable idols, I will do to you what I have never done before and will never do again. Therefore in your midst fathers will eat their children, and children will eat their fathers.

The word fear, not awe or reverence gained ground. Awe and reverence could be applied when you lived you your life in fear of not abiding by God's will and word and you witnessed what happened to those who did not. Even at such a young age I clearly saw the difference. It was an ultimatum - Me or this.

In college I pursued my quest for understanding religion and its connotations both on and in my life. Being a logical person, I have a preference for concrete over abstract (science over religion in this case). I studied religion extensively. Not for the reasons the others were in the classes; I was motivated by curiosity and cognitive understanding. I was the true antagonist in every class. The biggest hurdles were the professors themselves. Most were retired rabbi, priests, fathers and various other clergy that were devoutly religious men and women who tended to lean more towards why they felt they were right than they did the objective perspective. Needless to say, arguing science in a religion class was a tough way to maintain a 4.0 GPA! As the classes got more involved I opted to look at monotheistic religions as a whole paying particular attention their evolution, development and contradiction in order to force the argument within the realm of the professors' base of (denial) knowledge.

What makes one religion "right" and the religions both before and after it "wrong"? Of most importance is the history of religions; their origins in particular. There are two things here when it came to western religions or (Abrahamic religions): One, they are competitive and two, they are exclusive (less a few such as the Bahai Faith which embraces all western religions citing the entity that is God in all of these religions is one in the same).

Babism (Bábism)

Bahai Faith (Bahá'í Faith)

Christianity (Christianity)

Gnosticsm (Gnosticism)

Islam (Islam)

Judaism (Judaism)

Rastafari Movement (Rastafari movement)

Sabians (Sabians)

Samaratanism (Samaritanism)

All were contrived from Zoroastrianism which is actually classified as an Indian religion. The religion dates back to 6000 BCE as stated by conservative Zoroastrian followers, but historians and religious scholars date it as 1500 – 1000 BCE. Being the first monotheistic religion it gave birth to what we know as western religion today. Oddly, religion has changed from a very peaceful and accepting concept to a violent and exclusionary tool that torments both world order and social structure. In the origins of monotheistic religion we find:

1. God is not about fear guilt and Condemnation.

2. God is Wisdom Love and Logic.

3. God does not have favorites and does not discriminate on the basis of nationality sex, race or class.

4. God treats humans with dignity and respect.

5. God is not a slave master, or despot, among his serfs.

6. God is man's Soul Mate and Partner.

7. God is not Jealous, Wrathful or Vengeful.

8. Man is not sinful, fallen or depraved.

9. God has no opponent and heaven and hell are states of mind and being.

10. Man was created to progress to likeness and eliminate wrong from the Cosmos in partnership with God.

Quite different than what we find western and modern religions of today. Religion is the world's largest living document that is continually rewritten to accommodate the moral erosion that plagues the world, to drive out and eliminate competing world and western religions and demands devotion through fear and intimidation.

(An interesting, or ironic fact about the founding religion of a largely monotheistic world culture is that it was forced out of what is now Iran and Iraq by Muslim Arabs in 650 CE during the invasion of Persia).

Could it be that more modern religions were written as such out of the intent for compliance? Being that religion is man made, those men making it designed it in their image of leading through intimidation, not embracement and partnership. They sought world religious order as they thought followers would only do so out of fear, not voluntary devotion. To this day many go to church out of fear of what happens if they don't go.

So what has happened to religion? Why has it become so vengeful and jealous? Why do we go to war with nations over such an abstract concept that has no proof it even exists?

Over the years I have learned some interesting things about religion and the abuse of religion. History holds atrocities based on religion. "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." -Adolf Hitler. Foregoing the obvious look at this for what it is. It is not that fact that he misused Christianity but the fact that it was written as an exclusionary religion and allowed itself to be misused in such a horrific manner. It is no different than a Muslim declaring holy war against an infidel solely because they do not believe in the same abstract concept. The origins of monotheistic religions were not based in this contempt for our fellow human beings.

We have manipulated religion to such an extreme that we have completely reversed its initial design. We have systematically made an inclusive order of existence, exclusive. We have turned a partnership into a vengeful coexistence. Man has manipulated religion in such a manner that he is using it to destroy fellow man. Yet we put on our Sunday best and blindly follow what has become a benevolent tool of destruction and contempt.

Why do we believe? As religions have evolved, they continue to evolve in order to better meet the agenda of those rewriting it. The facts are clear. Religion is a tool developed for social and civil order of the masses. Religion is our emotional escape from the reality that we can not accept our own mortality. We need something bigger than ourselves so we can look past our own insignificance in the world we live in. For many, it is beyond comprehension that we are a scientifically based phenomena that evolved into what we are. We argue evolution and science as hard as we argue one religion being more right than the next. We support the fact that regardless of what our own religion is, any religion before or after it is wrong and the followers of that religion will suffer for an eternity. We live under constant threat of the eternal consequences of not constantly doing right; even though monotheistic religion was not all created to be this way.

Something has gone terribly wrong with religion, faith and the practices thereof. Just like man did not magically appear on earth one day, neither did religion. We created it and continue to manipulate its creation. Each passing year the manipulation and interpretation of religion worsens. Just as we progressed from Zoroastrianism by manipulating it into newer religions we further progress away from its intended purpose of peace and harmony. We have designed it to further our agenda and have given it the traits that expose the worst in what we are as a people. (It is wrong to besiege a city of people, kill off the adult males, enslave the women and children and eat their food because their religious belief is not that of our own).

Religion has simply become more political than holy. What was wrong yesterday is rewritten to be right today in order to accommodate the masses of a given religion and keep them loyal to it. We have seen the written religious acceptance of what was once considered deviant personal behavior. What was right yesterday is written as wrong today. Venal sins are now larger in number but supposedly less in magnitude. Simply put there are more sins but less consequences for committing such sins. When I was a child a sin was a sin. You covet your neighbors wife and the punishment was the same for murdering some one. As we add things as sins that were once acceptable, we decrease the accountability for those acts. (We decrease it; not God).

Each progressing year we move further from the intent of monotheistic religion. Most who go to church every Sunday can not even tell you what the founding religion is. "Zoo what?" I have heard 37 times this week when asking people I know to be devoutly religious. It is not taught in the church because those who teach in the church know just how far removed we are from it. It would be like admitting they are wrong - and we all know that does not sit well. It is likened to the fact that there are many passages in the bible that are not spoken of in many churches because of the vengeful and jealous nature of the words. Avoiding it does not remove it from the religion. Religion is not the buffet dinner that we have made it into where you pick and choose what you want and what you don't want. If it is there its there and you have to clean your plate before you get up to die.

Religion has brought a lot into my life. Faith has brought me up when I was down. It has given me the ability to be good when I really did not want to be. It has made me a very generous and compassionate person. Above all it has given me balance and perspective. That balance and perspective forces me to look at things for what they are and challenges me to look at my own religion and my own faith as I search for a clearer understanding of religion itself. What I see is a religious world agenda that has contaminated the truer purpose of its original grand design. In each slipping of world morals we step back in time towards Sodom and Gomorrah. What we fear in this is wrath and vengeance from Above - although it was not first written to be that way.



Terry said...

A response from avery close friend that was on my other website.

WOW!!!You are right this may start a ruckus depending on who reads it! There are so many vaild points that you state in this article. When I was growing up believe it or not I would tell people who would tell me I need to go to church and praise God and be thankful for what you have. I would turn around and tell them why do I have to go to church to praise God? I can praise him and be loyal to him without going to church. I would tell them that no I have never really read the Bible because how was I to know what was in the Bible was true. Who says? God is dead and did some one that lived in the times of christ actually write down everything that happened? I know what I believe and I know the difference between right and wrong and God knows that whether I go to church or not. I don't believe a lot of things that churches do. For example (NAME DELETED)’s church they are so judgemental and most of them don't do as they preach. If you go to churh there you are only supposed to date someone from that church. What kind of shit is that? I have heard the same religion but the same church? I have heard people state the fear of God and things like that but it never made sense to me either. Reading this made me understand better. I have never once read the entire bible. I have only read and heard some scriptures and I know I have not heard anything like that. Everything I have read and heard was positive I am interested now in learning more about it. Especially about the different religions there are. I remember one night outside of sams when picking you up there was a brief conversation between you and Ric about religion and he somewhat brought me into it by asking me what religion I was. My answer was Christian(very general) I am baptized catholic since I was very young I probably wasn't even 6 months. As an adult I do know that I have very little agreeance with catholics. Why should I have been baptized before I could even laugh? What is the point of that? Religion is a sore subject for many people for probably 2 or 3 reasons. 1 being that they are ashamed to talk about what they believe in, 2 they know that what they are believing in is wrong, or 3 they truly believe what they believe in and are a descent enough person that they don't want to offend anyone. People like you and me understand that everyone has their own beliefs and that there is no shame in talking about it. I know that because you wouldn't be writitng an article if you felt any other way. So many people learn certain things and have tunnel belief lol I just made that one up. They stay on that path and never grow into learning or believing their own things. They are taught a certain way and believe that is the only way and in turn are not open to listening to anyone elses opinion. I do see your point! I find it interesting that you studied religion in college I had no idea. I also find it interesting to ask 37 people about this! Lol just kidding. Now read my other email and get to responding! Since you had time to talk to 37 people and write this article I assume that you should have my email read and responded to and in my inbox by the time I log in to my email in the morning? Lol just kidding. I will stop now that is the last I will say about you responding to my email unless a month goes by again! Thank you for sharing this article with me :) I would love it if you shared more of your writing with me. I am going to go back and read this email and really get an understanding of what your saying and instill it in my brain. I have never really looked too far into religion I just know what I believe based on my experience in life and very little church experience I guess it would be based on science from your point of view. I have been starting and stopping this and kind of lost my original though but I wanted to make sure you got my response today. I need to finish some stuff though before it is time to get out of here.
Posted by Terry on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 11:06 AM
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And of course; my response to her (which she has not yet gotten). I deleted the name because it is a friend that I both know personally and is a friend here. Thus; if you sense some a little in fighting with the tone - you are right right on the money.

In think it safe to say that as religious adults we have all seen both bad and better churches. It is not so much about the aged old excuse for why a church is bad - the Monday through Saturday sinners that repent for 2 hours, have a good meal and get back into the routine of doing what they are doing. Assuredly, this group of people are not of those I spoke to this week. The idea here is not to judge people who attend church, or their habits away from the church, but to solely look at the progress of religion away from its original intent.

But to answer you; With religion comes a certain amount of defensive posture. When asked about their religion many tend to take a defensive posture thinking they are being challenged. (It is no different when you ask a person who they are voting for). I think it is far fewer than most that tend to be defensive but the posture of defense is frequently encountered. In particular when a church is in persecution it is more prevalent. Religion falls under persecution for two main reasons; they are truly doing something deviant (though not in their opinion but by common ‘outside’ consensus), or because another religion is driving them out (or trying to). In this case that you are speaking to, I think people would tend to be defensive because so many things actually are questionable being that I know the church and many of the parishioners there. (It is why I never went when asked). Coincidently, modern religion is plagued with this type of behavior. During the Roman Empire Catholicism drove out its competing religions and gained political control. Church was followed by a feast. The males would eat until they could not eat anymore and literally go to an ornate trough that was lined with long feathers. They would take a feather and gag themselves with it in order to vomit into the trough. After they were done, they would return to the table to eat some more and continue drinking their wine. Once drunk they would send for select slaves and allow women into the chamber to have an orgy. Male bisexuality was an accepted standard in this time - given that, the orgies did not go as you may think. All of this happening immediately after church and on many and special occasions, on church grounds or even in the church. Couple that with the ‘selling of sins’ (cnfession) and it is easy to see why not only Protestantism was born but why it took full civil revolt for it to bifurcate into its own denomination. PROTESTanism - get it? Some argue the happenings in the Roman Empire influenced the Catholic religion in such a way that it never got away from certain behaviors. (Many articles about acts against alter boys). Some further say that as the religion begins to again accept homosexuality that it is heading back to where it was when it was most corrupt and at its worst.

When you take a person today that attends church on Sunday and does whatever they want through the remainder of the week, it pales in comparison to what was once happening. This is obviously not to say that all Catholics during the Roman Empire acted in this manner, just as it is not to say that all that attend church today are deviant through the rest of the week. We tune into the negative over the positive almost by nature due to our poor and irresponsible social conditioning. We highlight those aspects of the parishioners of a church and fault the church. The fact is they need to be there more than most who attend - at least they take in a few hours of something good. This line of ‘finger pointing’ if you will, runs you only in a vicious circle. Further, those we point out are doing the same things we are doing through the week but it is when they go to church that we find fault in the behavior. If they don’t go to church they are just another average Joe doing what average Joe’s do. We have that backwards I think. Negative conditioning gives you negative perspectives. Bad trying to be good is far than bad just being bad - even if it is for but a few hours).

Churches like all other organizations can be corrupt. Dating from within the church only? That is absurd but it does not surprise me. Something to remember about things like that is there are a lot of people out there who are dying to be led by some one. Once you establish control over them, they will follow you blindly. It is more of a cult in ideology than anything else. People have to know what it best for them, some simply do not have the ability to figure that out on their own and the are subject to being taken advantage of and manipulated into the most insane situations.

I clearly remember the day you arrived when we were talking about religion. Ric was making a point about the defensive reaction. I was trying to lure him into an argument but he is not yet resolved enough in his position to argue on that level. Ric claims he is agnostic but in all actuality he is an evolutionist - he just does not realize this yet. While evolution is a theory. It is also a fact. And facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. Facts don't go away when scientists debate rival theories to explain them. Einstein's theory of gravitation replaced Newton's, but apples didn't suspend themselves in midair, pending the outcome. And humans evolved from ape-like ancestors whether they did so by Darwin's proposed mechanism or by some other yet to be discovered. This is precisely where Ric is hung up, he just has not identified how once new theories gain facts, they replace old theories. Once religion becomes fact, or he identifies this and begins to search on his own he will become more at ease. He is just caught in the middle.

The Bible. That is next to be addressed. Few know where it came from and I am going to write about it. The concept of souls, hell, sin, everlasting life, rules to enter eternity, the creator of the universe, the object of sacrifice, redemption, etc can be found in one book that predates the Bible: it is the Bhagavad-Gita, mostly based on the teachings of Krishna. This is just one archaic text out of many that share similarities with the bible, though they were written before it. The originality of the Bible is not what most think it is or are lead to believe. This further demonstrates how religion has been manipulated.

Some will argue how it ‘has’ to be manipulated because the changing of the times. And to a degree they will be correct; times have indeed changed but more than that it is the condition of people that have changed the times! The smarter we get, the worse we become as a people and religion is conformed around our moral decline. The Bible and writings both before and after were written for their current times and become ‘outdated’ some will say. As we become more complicated as a people they are correct. Cloning, DNA research, stem cells and things like that are said to have negative religious connotation. Religious writings of this age can only scrape the surface of today’s issues. What is missing is intent. Stem cells were recently used to give a woman and new windpipe and lungs. The Bible says that woman should have been left to die and using technology to extend her life goes against God’s will. If it is against God’s will to abort a fetus, is it really against God’s will to save a life? Would it not be against God’s will to allow some one to die that you can save? The contradictions exist solely because we are basing ALL of this on theory; not fact. It would be wrong to drive by an accident and not try to help thinking “It’s God’s will that the accident happened and if a person dies in the accident, it is their time to die.” (In some states it is ILLEGAL to do so!) We select what we want to intervene in on a general basis as a governing body based on the most abstract of beliefs. We fight against stem cell research because it goes against Devine order (or we believe it does). What we forget is that there are those out there that have the ability to choose on their own. A Jehovah’s Witness will not get a blood transfusion to save their life based on their religious beliefs but the technology is there for those who are not against it. Is this not the same? Those who stand against it will not accept an airway made from stem cells, those that are for it will. Why hinder it based on the religion of ‘some’? (Your tunnel of belief comment is seen in action every single day).

Not too long ago, on a night that I could not sleep I through in a DVD of Family Guy. “The Griffin’s Family History.” To make a long story short (as if I ever do that) Peter starts the family history as dinosaurs. They show a fish walking out of water and evolving into a brontosaurus. Then he chimes in and says; “Of course, as required by the state of Kansas I have to give the churches version.” LMAO! A genie (from I Love Genie) comes dancing out of the water with her hands above her head and ‘poofs’ animals, a gas pump and Jesus onto the beach. I thought it was hilarious! Reason being this is essentially what we have here isn’t it? And we have conformed the world and our government around it.

And yes, it has started a ruckus! LOL! Much more on my other website than here but they are two completely groups of people. There they are much more challenging and aggressive, here they are much more laid back and only concerned with social aspects of lesser importance. The article will run as a four installment article. This one, followed by the origins of the Bible, evolution versus religion (maybe) and will conclude with something about celebrating Christmas and what we are actually celebrating (and of course how). When I submitted the article I did not expect to be asked to write four to run in two weeks! And you know how much time I have on my hands so it will be a mad dash to get this done. The reactions thus far are quite varied but for the most part objective. That will change next week when it is more widely disseminated. Then I will get attacked for calling an abstract issue into question and that little “(denial)” I through in there will have a certain few calling to have me crucified! LMAO!

Have to get downstairs but I it will not take me a month to respond to your e-mail this time. (Notice that I did not promise)! LMAO!
Posted by Terry on Friday, December 05, 2008 - 11:42 AM
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Another comment of interest from my website.

You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post.

Maybe you can find some more answers if you investigate the Bahai Faith a bit more. There is no professional clergy to get between people and God - it is forbidden. Each person is obliged to investigate for him or her self. Baha'i sacred writings are posted on the internet for anyone to read.
You are correct that one aspect of religion has been to bring social order. Over the centuries many religious professionals have taken that to mean social control over others. THAT is NOT God's will (if it were, why were we each given a brain to use?).
The other part of religion is to teach us how to develop our spiritual qualities so that when we leave this life we can function in the next, non-physical world. That has largely gotten messed up too.
Baha'is are trying to start from those basics and go forward with a different way of religion: there is one Creator, there is one creation, there is one Message - you're all put on the same earth to learn to be nice to each other.
We'll see how it goes.
So far people from over 1000 different racial, ethnic, religious, etc. backgrounds have found a new way to have a religion in Baha'i.

Posted by: dlherrmann | December 19, 2008 at 07:29 PM
Posted by Terry on Monday, December 22, 2008 - 8:58 AM
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An interesting comment from my website: Definately worthy of passing forward here!

Maybe you can find some more answers if you investigate the Bahai Faith a bit more. There is no professional clergy to get between people and God - it is forbidden. Each person is obliged to investigate for him or her self. Baha'i sacred writings are posted on the internet for anyone to read.
You are correct that one aspect of religion has been to bring social order. Over the centuries many religious professionals have taken that to mean social control over others. THAT is NOT God's will (if it were, why were we each given a brain to use?).
The other part of religion is to teach us how to develop our spiritual qualities so that when we leave this life we can function in the next, non-physical world. That has largely gotten messed up too.
Baha'is are trying to start from those basics and go forward with a different way of religion: there is one Creator, there is one creation, there is one Message - you're all put on the same earth to learn to be nice to each other.
We'll see how it goes.
So far people from over 1000 different racial, ethnic, religious, etc. backgrounds have found a new way to have a religion in Baha'i.

Posted by: dlherrmann | December 19, 2008 at 07:29 PM

I will say this right off the bat. In that article I sold the Bahia Faith short! “... with exceptions such as...” is hardly just for the progressive nature of the religion. From the perspective of the article, one of the key features that I like about it is that is not exclusive; it is truly an inclusive progression of religion more than it is a religion itself.

I spoke on how man has manipulated religion (with very negative connotations). The same here ring true, less the negative connotations in regards to the competing of religions. It proves not all manipulations of religion are bad or negative.

Learning about this religion took me back to my childhood. Rev. Dawson was young, smart, and very progressive. One of the best things he did back then was bring in a Synagogue for shared services. One Sunday a month they would come to our Church and one Sunday a month we would attend theirs. This lasted a full summer. The idea was to show not only how things were different but how things were the same. (That “different” did not mean being damned to hell). One Sunday he called me up to the pulpit during the joint service and openly went over some of the questions I asked him. The Rabbi stood up and answered the ones he could as did members of both churches. It was an awesome way to begin learning the differences in religion while dispelling the evils they can carry. After the service I was surrounded by adults from both religions talking to me as if I were an adult myself. It enabled me to see something first hand. One God; his story told slightly differently. Religions under that one God tended to put the blinders on. The problem was man, not God as I was beginning to believe. As the conversation rolled the Rabbi and Rev disengaged and allowed the parishioners to carry the conversation with me so I could see this from a non authoritarian perspective. (It was highly effective, and not just for me - it brought both groups together in a very important way. Two completely different walks of life rallying together trying to mold my young and very challenging mind in the healthiest way possible)! You have no idea how good I felt and encouraging that was to me.

There were days that I wanted to go to the Synagogue for church even though our church was not scheduled to attend their service. One morning my uncle was in a rush and had to sing at my church. I tell him that I can by myself and he can just drop me off. In I walk (late). The doors opening turn every head in the church. I hardly new where to sit for all the impromptu invitations to join different families for the services. Being the type of kid I was (and still am to a great extent) I made my rounds and sat with everyone I could. After the services were over we were all standing out front talking as I waited for my uncle to come and get me. Around the corner rolls my uncles big green Buick followed by everyone else in the church. Once they heard I had gone there for church that morning, they all wanted to support me. I truly had two churches, one of which was truly least suspecting as an option given my demographic background. Both churches would come to my fights and basketball games. They made true in what they instilled in me that one Sunday morning; that they cared enough about me that they would see me through life; just like a good church is supposed to do.

To this day (some twenty plus years later) I still see these same people when I go back home. This poor little black kid from the streets of Philly embraced by very conservative Jews to the extent that their home became my home. That is what happens when religion is done right. That is (in my belief) the full intent of the Bahia Faith. New world religions done right.

Looking back, I wonder if Reverend Dawson was some how influenced by the Bahia Faith. Bringing two completely different walks of life together under one following is an impressive feat given that most religions (churches) actually teach against it. There was never any question if I was going to convert, no one was trying to encourage me in either direction because I was learning and trying to do good in my life. Both churches were obviously very secure (another rarity). Jointly, the results of their unconditional acceptance brought to what I am today. I am free to challenge anything in life because that which stands up to the pressure of my challenge is usually right. I learned to embrace this aspect of my nature in church, in these two churches. (And trust me, I challenge everything)! LOL!

Your point however, is very well taken! The progressive and unconditional nature of the Bahia Faith is not something to be understated and is more than deserving of complete and separate address.

In my leisure time (the few free seconds a week I have) I continue to study religious impact on the world, evolutionist theories, politics and economics (and of course how they are all interrelated). Some very good discussions and arguments to be had there!

Thank you for your input! It has been passed along!!!

Posted by: Terry Mykes | December 24, 2008 at 09:12 AM
Posted by Terry on Wednesday, December 24, 2008 - 10:18 AM
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